WORK EXPERIENCE:  CPH:DOX  Art Director & Graphic Designer (2023 - now)     BUSTER Film Festival Art Director & Graphic Designer (2023 - now)   /   CHART Art Fair  Graphic Designer (2022)   /  Collected Works Fashion Show Graphic Designer (2022)    /    Design School Kolding Teacher in the course “Idea & Visualization” with focus on Silkscreen Printing (2021 - now)    /    Pangaia Motion Graphic Designer (2021)    /    CULT PUMP Graphic Design &  Silkscreen Printing - Intern (2020)    /    Posh Isolation Graphic Design - Intern (2020)    /    Cellophane Magazine Graphic Designer (2019)    —     EDUCATION: Designskolen Kolding, BA, Communication Design (2021)   /  Vallekilde Højskole Graphic Design (2017)   /   Holbæk Kunsthøjskole Graphic Design, Silkscreen Printing,  Analogue Photography & Architecture (2014)   /

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Perko - Galerie

Layout for Posh Isolation
